
Ecclesiastes 1:12-18

I think we’re at our most joyful, our happiest when we’re doing simple things. When we take the time to enjoy the simple things in life: family, nature, friends, food, etc. Anytime I go on a long trip by myself, I listen to country music. I’m not really sure why, but it’s always country. Especially at night. I remember one night I was driving through the night from St. Louis down to Atlanta and this song came on while I was in Southern Illinois. I’ve only heard the song once and I don’t know the name (I’ll find it in a minute and post it below), but I could tell you several of the lines. It starts off with “If heaven were a time it would be twilight” and goes on to talk about hanging out on the porch watching the sunset and fireflies and spending time with family. That to me, is what we should be enjoying. The more we try to understand and know and succeed, the more we will ultimately fail. I want to enjoy the simple joy of being a child of God enjoying his creation.
I found the song. It's called "If Heaven" by Andy Griggs and it's definitely country.

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