One of my favorite things about taking middle schoolers skiing is that for most of them it is their first time going. I'm kind of a natural teacher, so I love the opportunity to help kids have fun and stretch themselves. I convinced two little guys to get off of the bunny slope and go up the lift with me.
We go up and they're all nervous. We were just going to do a green, but if it's your first time, then it can be quite nerve-wracking. We ski down, and they both do great. One didn't fall at all, and the other one only fell once. They had a great time pushing themselves and seeing what they could do.
As soon as we got to the bottom, they wanted to do it again. On our way back up the lift, one of the kids looks down at the bunny slope and remarks about our kids that were still just doing that saying "They don't know what they're missing!"
It was awesome to hear his excitement. He was so jazzed about skiing down the big mountain.
The same is true for being passionate about God. So many people are happy to just ski the bunny slope by going to church, but not getting involved in ministry or letting God really impact their lives. They seem scared to go up on the lift and really pursue God with a passion. But once they try it, they realize that everybody else doesn't know what they are missing.
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