
Help Wanted

So on my drive up here I saw a help wanted sign at a gas station. Here's what it said:
Are you at least 18 years old? Can you pass a drug test? Do you want
to work?

Ummm...they sure aren't setting their standards too high. But what if they changed it just a little bit and instead of focusing on the requirements for employment instead focused on what would make a great gas station employee.
Do you like interacting with people? Do you like a busy
atmosphere? Can you efficiently handle transactions and make people smile?

I'm betting they'd be a lot happier with that person than the person that would respond to the first ad.
Usually when we're filling a lay ministry role, we focus on the first kind of description because we're consumed with the present. We need somebody now and we don't care who. But wouldn't it be better for everybody if we went about it like that second description? JM

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