

We're trying to plan our Christmas Eve service right now. Two things are bad about this. The first is that we're at least 6 weeks late on planning it and the second is that we're battling against doing what we've always done. I'm trying to change it up this year and push us to do something that is more similar to what we would typically do on a regular Sunday.
I think when we take high-attendance gatherings like Christmas (and Easter) and produce something that is formal and expected we perpetuate the idea that going to church is something you should do on Christmas and Easter. And in doing this we fail to reach any of the guests that are willing to come out on only those two days.
So I'm trying to come up with what that might look like in our church's context. I'm pushing for something with kind of a raw feel featuring an acoustic guitar and one vocalist. Then weaving a concept throughout that in a laid-back conversational manner with video backing and illustrating that. We'll see what happens. We'll probably end up somewhere in between the two. JM

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