
Psalm 69:1-12

Do you ever feel like you're drowning. Like you're trying to swim, but slowly sinking. That's kind of how I feel right now. I'm so glad that people in the Bible felt that way, too. It helps me know that God is there with me if somebody else went through it, too.
Whenever I feel like I have an answer from God, I'm ready to make it happen right then. But that's not exactly how it works. God works on his own timeline. It's just tough to wait. JM


Anonymous said...


I've been reading your blog lately. I was searching around for you and Brad W. online, and found your blog. I enjoy reading your thoughts on life & ministry. I'll be in Atlanta soon, and would love to see you. Hope your family is doing well!

Josh Mc Alister said...

Danny -
That would be awesome if you could stop by and say hi when you're down this way. I was asking Brad when I last saw him about you. Give me a call or email when you're about to come down and we'll set something up. Brad is only like 20 minutes away from me, so we could all get together. JM