
Matthew 11:1-6

I love that Jesus doesn't just say that he is the Messiah here, but rather he gives evidences of why he is. He talks about the miracles he performs and that he is spreading the good news. The last sentence is kind of cryptic: "Those who do not stumble in their faith because of me are blessed."
I know people could stumble in their faith because of Jesus. He was talking about something totally different. Kind of switching up the whole game. But he was keeping the focus on God.
A lot of people have the same problems with the evolution of the church today. They hate talking about "felt needs" or "seeker-sensitive" or "emergent churches". But aren't these just retooling the gospel message for today's generations.
That's kind of what Jesus was all about. I love that he kind of points to the fact that people are going to stumble because of him. But he doesn't apologize for it. JM

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