

I spend way too much time in ministry trying to fix the problems. I look at a kid who is struggling with purity and I want to show him steps to living a pure life. I look at a kid who is struggling with gossip and I want to show him how to give it up.
The problem is that I'm not really sure if they want to give it up. The problem is not their sin, it's that they don't have a passion for God. If they did, then it would be much easier for them to attack their weakness.
I want to focus more on showing students how to live God-honoring lives by falling passionately in love with him. The problem is, I'm not sure if I know how to do that.
Nevertheless, we have a ski trip next week where we will have two short sessions. I now have my topic. I'm going to talk about symptoms, diseases, and having a passion for God.

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