
Bus License Failure

I failed my bus driving test today. This has been an ubelievably frustrating experience for me. What's really frustrating for me is that I passed the basic skills test (straight-line backing, blind-side parallel parking, sight-side parallel parking, and alley docking), I passed the road test, but I failed the pre-trip inspection.
Even more frustrating was that my instructor said that I nailed the interior part, but I didn't do the inspection that I needed to do on the leaf springs, U-bolts, steering column, shock absorbers, and brake lines. I doubt I could find that stuff on a bus. So now I have to try to go back on Tuesday afternoon to take the pre-trip over. Really frustrating. It wouldn't be as frustrating if I didn't have a trip the next day that I planned on driving for. UGGH! JM

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