
Any Questions?

Seth Godin has a great post about what he calls "sheepwalking", which he defines "as the outcome of hiring people who have been raised to be obedient and giving them a braindead job and enough fear to keep them in line."
It's a great post about how as a society we train people to not question things or think for themselves. We do this a lot in student ministry. We tell students about God, tell them to love Jesus, and never let them find out things on their own.
I don't think that we need to let kids screw their lives up by making tons of mistakes, but I think their is an incredible amount of power in helping students make their faith their own. We don't like to do it, though because we are so scared that students may choose something else. I'd rather take that chance and have 10 students who really know what they believe and care about it than have 1,000 who just say they do because that's what they were told. JM

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